Thanks for your interest! This holiday season we have over 470 (!!!) (and counting!) different opportunities for you to help someone else.

Once again, we have all kinds of projects: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah. Volunteering and giving. Helping all kinds of people in all kinds of ways. We’ll be updating weekly through December 15, so keep checking back!)

And, as always: Whoever you are, whatever you do, there is somebody who could use your help this holiday season. Probably now, more than ever.

Please note that we do not sponsor most of the holiday projects on this list. Rather, we put them out to the Big Sunday community and hope someone sees it who wants to help. And every year, it’s incredible how many people do! Then again, this list gets forwarded, posted, copied, printed, and tweeted all over the place. Feel free to pass it along, too.

If you’ve taken on or completed one of these projects, please email and let us know – that way, we can thank you and direct other people to projects that still need their help!

And if you enjoy helping at the holidays, please remember that Big Sunday has all kinds of great ways to give back throughout the year. We’d love your help. Feel free to check us out at or contact to see how you can get involved.

Please respect any safety protocols of our nonprofit partners. Also, please note that participation confirms you hold Big Sunday and our nonprofit partners harmless to any claims stemming from this activity. (When applicable, you will be asked to sign a waiver.) Thanks for understanding.

Have fun helping! Thanks again and have a wonderful holiday season!

You can sort theHOLIDAYlist by clicking one of the categories below or via keyword in the Project Listings!